Pups Without Partners

Hi folks,
Welcome to a greyt new place for PWP friends and volunteers to interact.

At the last volunteer meeting it was discussed that the Yahoo! group was rather cumbersome and not very friendly for casual messaging or forum type discussions. I knew that Bob Vessley, PWP's former Webmaster had a rather interesting site, fastdogs.com and I discovered this Ning network.

The setup is similar to facebook. You have a page where you can post what you want, load pictures or videos, you can participate in the forums where you can relate stories or give/ask for advice. There is a group calendar where you can see what we have coming up. You can blog too! So take a look around, have fun, and let us know about your pups!

Click the "Communication" drop down above to get to all sorts of tools: blog, forum, chat, tweets, photos and videos.

The site is free, and for now, membership is open to all. As time goes on, if we get spammers or other nefarious characters we may move to an approval process like on the Yahoo group.


-Webmaster Mike

Views: 45

Comment by Mike Volkmar on January 9, 2010 at 3:52pm
If you're wondering what to do once you sign up, go to the forums section and introduce yourself!
Comment by sheryl thepetmom paul on January 9, 2010 at 4:15pm
great idea. I am Sheryl, aka "the pet mom" I have known penny since the mid 90s. I have been a VOLUNTEER for about 20+ years for several rescue programs. I am available for FREE help to ANY ONE who might be having pet adjustment problems. I have studied animal behavior for as many years and have a really good success rate w/ pets [ not just dogs]. My goal is to PRESERVE the adoption. If any of you are having difficulty w/ your adopted friends, or u know anyone who is, please feel free to contact me.
Comment by Maureen Keefe Marella on February 3, 2011 at 10:51am
I am happy i have found this page and you.  my email address is marellamaureen@yahoo.com i would sure like to chat with you.  Maureen


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