Pups Without Partners

Wow, what a day we had yesterday! Despite the heat and humidity, we had a pretty good turnout. There were kids, humans, hounds, vendors, games, prizes, food, you name it!


Thanks to everyone who worked so hard coordinating the event! Greyt job!!!


Thanks to the vendors who lugged their wares and set up in the extreme heat!!! I hope you fared well and we look forward to having you vend with us again next year!


Thanks to our volunteers who worked hard at the registration table, selling raffle tickets, and preparing food. Your efforts--and sweat--were greatly appreciated!!!


Thanks to everyone who ventured out of their cool, air-conditioned homes with their hounds to come and celebrate with us! As always, your company is much enjoyed. I hope you had a good time.


Looking forward to the Pup's Sweet 16 in 2011!



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To All involved, thank you for your hard work and dedication!. The Board of Directors is so pleased with this events turnout we hereby grant you the right to do it again next year!!! I like that idea Beth sweet sixteen! The people the food the dogs the vendors the volunteers you are all so wonderful. We could not do what we do without you. As of this writing all of our dogs have been placed and I am securing the next load out of FLORIDA. As many of you know our VP flew in for the event and she is now back in Florida getting dogs ready to travel. Our treasure was absent do to the birth of his second child. Congrats Jim Berger on your newest addition! Now get back to work! Really guys you did a wonderful job! pat yourselves on the back and then get ready for my next trick! I will announce it shortly. To those who attended if i didnt get to talk to you its not personal i was running around like a chicken with no head but thats nothing new. Thank you all for coming see everyone at our next event
It was a fun day! Good food, good people, and good dogs! Next year we need to place an advance order for a cooler day - that would make the event absolutely PERFECT! Thanks everyone for making this event happen. Karen


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